Subcontractor Terms & Conditions
Subcontract Agreement
Wayne Dowhower Construction, Inc. has a standard subcontract agreement which is required to be used on all projects. By bidding projects and submitting proposals with Wayne Dowhower Construction, Inc. you hereby agree to execute the standard subcontract agreement and comply with its term and conditions.
Insurance Bonding
These are the minimum insurance requirements in our standard subcontract agreement and by bidding projects with Wayne Dowhower Construction, Inc. you hereby agree to comply with these requirements. These requirements are subject to change and may be different in the specifications provided for each project. If higher limits are required by an owner, those limits will be complied. Waiver of Subrogation should apply to each line of insurance. Please contact your insurance provider and have Certificate requirements updated and forwarded to Wayne Dowhower construction, Inc.
Workers' Compensation
Each Accident ........................................................$500,000
Disease - Each Employee ...................................$500,000
Disease - Policy Limit ..........................................$500,000
General Liability (with aggregate limits per project)
Each Occurrence ................................................$1,000,000
General Aggregate .............................................$2,000,000
Automotive Liability
Combined Single Limit (per occurrence) ....$1,000,000
Umbrella Liability .........................................................$1,000,000
Nebraska Contractor Registration Information
The Nebraska Contractor Registration Act requires contactors and subcontractors doing business in Nebraska to
register with the Nebraska Department of Labor.
All contractors with one or more employees must provide a current Workers' Compensation Certificate of
Insurance (ACORD 25) with the Departments of Labor listed as the certificate holder. Each contactor is responsible for making sure an updated Certificate of Insurance is on file with the Department of Labor. Any contactor whose records indicate their coverage has expired will be removed from the list of registered contactors until an updated certificate is received from the contactor's insurance company agency.
The ACCORD 25 certificate can be faxed to 402-471-5039, emailed to ndol.contractorregistration@nebraska.gov or
mailed to Nebraska Department of Labor, Labor Standards, 550 S. 16th Street, Lincoln, NE 68509.
New Employee Work Eligibility Status
Your company, for purposes of this section, herein referred to as “Sub Contractor”, agrees to use a federal immigration verification system to determine the work eligibility status of new employees physically performing services within the State of Nebraska. A federal immigration verification system means the electronic verification of the work authorization program authorized by the illegal immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996. 8 U.S.C 1324a, known as E-Verify Program, or an equivalent federal program designated by the United States Department of homeland Security or other federal agency authorized to verify the work eligibility status of a newly hired employee.
The undersigned duly authorized representative of the Sub contractor, by signing this agreement hereby attests to the truth of the following certifications, and agrees as follows:
Neb.Rev.Stat. § 4-114. I certify compliance with the provisions of Section 4-114 and, hereby certify that this Sub contractor shall register with and use a federal immigration verification system to determin the work eligibility status of new employees physically performing services within the State of Nebraska. I agree as a Sub contractor to use this verification process. If the Sub Contractor is a corporation, individual, or sole proprietorship, the following applies:
1. The Sub Contractor must complete the United States Citizenship Attestation form. (Available on the Department of Roads website at http://www.nebraskatrasportation.org/projdev/docs/save/dr289.pdf)
2. If the Sub Contractor indicates on such attestation form that he or she is a qualified alien, the Sub Contractor agrees to provide the US Citizenship and Immigration Services documentation required to verify the Sub Contractor lawful presence in the United States using the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program.
3. The Sub Contractor understands and agrees that lawful presence in the United States is required and the Sub Contractor may be disqualified or the Subcontract terminated if such lawful presence cannot be verified as required by Neb. Rev. Stat. § 4-108.
Subcontract Pre-Qualification
By completing the online Subcontractor Pre-Qualification Form, or emailing/mailing a hard copy you agree to the following statement.
I declare that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I authorize Wayne Dowhower Construction, Inc. to inquire, investigate and confirm the information provided on the Subcontractor Pre-Qualification Form.